SPOILER ALERT!! Puzzle Answers from 10/31 Print Issue

- Ghost- Apparition or specter
- Scared- A creepy feeling
- Abode- A ghost’s home
- Tread- Something never to do in a cemetery
- End- No hope, dead___
- Capes- Dracula’s favorite accessories
- Cast- The primary job of a witch
- Crab- ____apple
- Rest- Your final action
- Rodent- Inhabitant of a good haunted house
- Red- Typical color for blood
- Ad- After life (abbreviated)
- Dead- Post-life

Riddle Answers by Christopher Mellin
Riddle #1: a shoe
Riddle #2: a clock
Riddle #3: teeth
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About the Contributors

Elaine Clarke, Opinion Desk Editor
Elaine Clarke is a Senior at Hendrick Hudson High School. This is her fourth year writing for the newspaper and first year as editor. Alongside this,...
Ethan Bromley, Writer
Ethan is a junior at Hen Hud, and this is his first year working with The Anchor. He has made a Sudoku for the October quarterly paper, and is looking...