Take it or Leave It: Hen Hud’s Little Free Library

The Free Library was painted by members of the Reading Club and LitMag

WESTCHESTER, New York – The past few weeks have seen a curious change to the school grounds. This is none other than the newest addition to the high school, the Lit Mag and Reading Club’s Little Free Library. Frequented by students pausing to search for a good read or to drop off one of their own, the colorfully painted box sits by the main entrance stairs. Working together to commemorate Read Across America week which occurred in early March, the clubs put up the mini library on March 29th. 

The idea behind the mini library is simple: anyone can stop by and take a book as long as they replace it with another book of their own. This creates an environment where books can be shared throughout the school and community without the trouble of spending money or having old books take up space in the back of a closet. Not only is it convenient and sustainable, but the book box allows both new and seasoned readers to share their love of reading. 

Kaitlyn Krupa (a co-president of the Reading Club) agrees, saying that the mini library will hopefully “help foster a love of reading.” For her, reading has always been “a fun form of education; you can learn a lot through other people’s mistakes and stories, things that you may not from school.” So even though she’s a senior and will be unable to use the library next year, she’s “happy to leave this legacy for future students.” 

These are ideas that the members of the Reading and LitMag clubs hold dear, enough that they spent days painting, priming, and building the library itself. Though now almost a month from its first day up, their efforts clearly proved to be fruitful as the library has remained popular. Many students continue to borrow and donate books, and even if some don’t, the library is appreciated for its refreshingly vibrant contribution to the front of the school building. Undoubtedly, Hen Hud’s little free library is a wonderful addition to our school and community.

Club members with the completed library (Left to Right: Kaitlyn Krupa, Neyssa Birotte, Lexi Schaffer, Sarah Nabi, Simrah Hassan, Ember Bates, Chiara Quick, Mrs. Maye, and Rebekah Anderson)