Have you ever wanted to own a farm? Spending time cultivating your crops and eventually getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor? Sadly, getting a one-hundred acre property isn’t as easy as buying something at gamestop, or is it? Enter Stardew Valley, a game about doing exactly that, as well as a few other things.
Stardew Valley is a 2016 role-playing farm simulation experience that puts you in the role of a farmer who just got some land in Pelican Town, located in the titular “Stardew Valley.” As the game progresses, you get to make loads of cash by getting seeds, planting them, watering them, and before you know it, you get crops that sell for quite the pretty penny. If it wasn’t clear already, the game isn’t that action-intensive. The sole developer of the game, ConcernedApe, makes it clear that Stardew Valley is the type of game that you relax to when you get home from school or work, similar to games like “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” or “Harvest Moon 64”.
The basic gameplay loop involves the player cleaning up Pelican Town by fixing bridges, chopping intrusive trees, and the biggest project in the game, renovating the community house. The way you actually complete these tasks is by getting materials from various locations, including your farm, the beach, and the mines. The player may also use the materials gathered to help the residents of Pelican Town, or they can sell them to buy upgrades for your farming tools.
Alongside the farming and repairing, the player may also create relationships with other villagers. Every character in the game has a meter next to their name in the pause screen. You may fill this meter by giving them gifts, completing requests, or simply talking to them on a regular basis. Eventually, with enough commitment, the player can choose to have a romantic relationship with pretty much anyone with a name. It is also possible to romance people of the same sex as you, allowing representation for any sexual orientation.
Basically, if you’re new to gaming, want to try something more lo-fi, or simply got tired of playing the same old animal crossing game, you should give Stardew Valley a try.